Thursday 21 July 2011

171 assignment 2

An example of the use of the “continuing curve” in modern day design is the Xbox 360. With most things, function drives form. This means that the way the object looks depends on what it is used for. Because people hardly interact with the actual console, but rather the controller and the game, the design of the console can be subjected to “sensual impulse”. The look of the console is more driven by what would be more aesthetically pleasing rather than how its shape would influence or improve its function. The Xbox 360 has a curve in it on either side, giving it a more seductive appearance. I think that finding a perfect balance between the continuing curve and the straight line (the way it looks and its function) is the most effective way to design. The Xbox 360 is designed effectively because it is not only designed as a game console, but also to look appealing.

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